This short inspiring testimony of the CEO of The Institute of Nursing Research, Nigeria about an international conference he attended some years ago that changed his perspective [and inspired him], outlines some of the things that he learned from that conference.
He expressly affirms that he has secured many of the connections & relationships that have helped him make progress [in career & professionally] from conferences like this one, and this is an alarm, to awaken someone up from slumber, to seize this golden opportunity and make great use of it.
I have worked closely with the CEO, and over the years, I have learned firsthand from him, and I can tell you that he is an exceptional leader, a gift that we have in the nursing profession in this 21st century.
Read this testimony with an open heart, and make the decision true leaders know how to make, the decision to step out of mediocrity into destiny.
Ayinla Daniel
Editor Institute of Nursing Research, Nigeria.
As we prepare for the International Scientific Research Conference organized by the Institute of Nursing Research Nigeria, I have been reflecting on the first International Conference I attended in Accra, Ghana year 2017.
As I reflect, I can say without mincing words that I left the conference a changed person. Can I share some of the encounters I had at the conference? Follow me as I go down memory lane.
I Was Inspired
The conference was around August 2017 and INR Nigeria was just around 1 year old then. I was saddled with the responsibility of providing leadership for the first Institute of Nursing Research in Nigeria and Africa.
I needed to be inspired. I needed to see beyond my locality. I needed more exposure. I got all these and more at the conference.
I saw how nurses and other health professionals from various walks of life are doing beyond the ordinary. I had no option but to key in. Trust me, you will also leave this forthcoming conference highly inspired!

Expanding My Knowledge Base
I remember that the Accra conference had speakers drawn from various countries of the world just like the forthcoming INR Research Conference.
They didn’t just discuss local issues. They discussed issues that had international relevance. I left the conference with an expanded horizon. I started thinking beyond my local environment. I started thinking globally.
Presentation Styles
As I sat under the presentation of various international speakers, I watched how they presented with keen interest.
I notice how their PowerPoint slides looked very different from what I prepared. I was taking notes. I made up my mind from that day to ‘up my game’ when it comes to presentations.

For me, this is one of the most important reasons for attending a conference. It has been widely said that your network is your net worth.
I was very deliberate about meeting people at the conference. I left the conference with a number of complimentary cards.
Trust me I reached out to some of them after the conference and we were able to collaborate. By the way, one of the ways to get the attention of a very busy international speaker is sending a mail after attending their presentation and stating clearly what you learned from their session. Everybody loves good feedback.

Exposure To Global Opportunities
That conference exposed me to a lot of global opportunities. The opportunities are just there waiting to be explored. Sadly, such opportunities are not easily seen if you are not shown.
In conferences like the forthcoming INR Conference, you will be exposed to such opportunities.
As the forthcoming INR Scientific Conference is just some days to go, get ready for a shift in your nursing career.
Click this link to secure your slot.