TOPIC: Preparing an Abstract For Conference Presentation: INR Conference As A Case Study.
Presenter: Emmanuel O. Adesuyi (Doctoral Research Scholar and Assistant Lecturer, Adult Nursing department, Birmingham City University, United Kingdom. COO, INR, Nigeria).
Date: 19th June 2021.
Time: 11:03 am. (GMT + 1).
Venue: INRN Journal Club (Virtual).
Moderator: Akinyemi Bose.
In an earlier post, we talked about the attributes of a good abstract. You can read that brief article here.
This report provides more detail regarding the proper steps that should be taken in preparing an abstract that will be presented at an academic conference.
We used our forthcoming conference as a case study.
If you would like to submit an abstract, to be presented at our forthcoming conference, you can find instructions to guide you here.
- Why prepare an abstract for a conference and what it entails?
- The abstract of research work.
- The basic structure of a conference abstract.
- Where do I start?
- Conclusion.
During the course of the presentation, the map of the world was displayed on the screen, and participants were asked what they could deduce from the image and someone responded by saying that “you have access to the world at your disposal”.
According to the presenter, we can deduce from the map of the earth, that it is spherical and it represents the world at a glimpse and can be read by geographers as a specific color representing the land, ocean, sea, mountain, and a lot more.
This only shows the overview of the earth at a view even though we cannot specifically pinpoint our location on it but we exist in the shape.
let us view our abstracts like a map of the earth.
An abstract is an overview of research work or a snapshot that is a key aspect.
Why Prepare Abstract for a Conference?
To showcase your research findings or proposal
To tell people what you are doing or what you have done
It helps to register your voice in the scientific community.
It open doors for research collaborations and networking, especially in people who are interested in the area of research
It serves as a chance to influence policies, people’s behavior, and things, especially from your findings.
What is an Abstract of A Research Work? How do you go about it?
It’s a summary of your research work, proposal, or case report.
It must concisely report the aims and outcomes of your research, following the guidelines of the journal.
It is what any reader or conference organizer would first see and contact with audiences, which facilitates reading or not.
It must be compelling and strong enough to stand alone and not depend on anything yet continuous.
It must be summarized into a single paragraph, avoid wasting words or phrases.
It must follow the submission guidelines, but most times, the word limit can be between 200 – 450 words.
Basic Structure of a Conference Abstract
1) Topic and motivation
• Research topic or title must feature in the abstract.
• Problem statement and broad aim of the study should be in 1 or 2 sentences.
2) Methods and Result
• Summarize your research methodology, your analysis e.t.c in few sentences.
• State key findings from your study and the discoveries.
3) Conclusion
• Conclude and concisely report key findings.
• State a few recommendations for either further study or improvement.
Common Guidelines To Writing A Research Abstract.
• You must be registered as an attendee.
•The abstract must be in the area or aspect of the research journal and conference organizers.
•Abstract can be rejected if it doesn’t meet up to standard or/and if it’s not related to the journal research area or have enough response due to late submission.
Questions and Answers
Question 1: What’s the difference between Oral and Postal Presentations?
Answer: Oral presentations are done using prepared slides to address the audience, while poster presentations make use of pictorial representations of the abstract placed on a screen for the audience to view and make recommendations.
Question 2: For conference abstract, is it a must to summarize in one paragraph or can it be segmented into introduction, methodology, etc?
Answer: Usually for abstract, it’s a paragraph indentation and it is continuous. Sometimes, organizers or journals may ask to separate into sections using block form but most times, one paragraph.
Question 3: Are participants going to be required to pay before they can submit an abstract?
Answer: There would be payments to attend the conference and not to submit abstracts.
Call For Abstract
Institute of Nursing Research Nigeria hereby invites you to submit an abstract to present at its first Annual Scientific Research Conference scheduled to hold November 17-19, 2021.

Reporting INR Journal-press team member: Sanda Paul.